Sunday, July 13, 2008


Had another testing at the tkd school. I was nervous because I didn't do as well as I envisioned I could have done at Worlds. Been having some trouble with my balance and still get gassed pretty easy. BUT - I did a pretty darn good job at testing. I made it through the repeat round kicks without trouble and hit the crescent, rev. hook, round kick combo without losing my balance! My midterm scores will still be low since I can't spar, but I know I did a good job! I did something to my back - pulled a muscle or pinched a nerve or something because I have been in pain since testing, so I need to take it easy for a bit.

We went and saw Get Smart last night. Fun movie. Kids enjoyed it just as much as we did. I actually liked it better than I thought I would. Still are several movies out that I want to see, but it is so darn expensive. I definitely like renting from Red Box for $1 instead. We recently watched Definitely, Maybe. Cute movie!

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